Archive for Advantages of Mediation

Advantages of Non-Litigative Dispute Resolution

Mediation Advantages Non-litigative dispute resolution has a number of significant advantages over traditional litigation. Resolving disputes creatively can save time and money. If 95% of cases are going to settle anyway, they should be settled as early as possible. Innovative dispute resolution strategies give the parties control over both the process and the outcome of […]

Why Mediation?

Discourage litigation.  Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser, in fees, expenses and waste of time. – Abraham Lincoln Traditional dispute resolutions processes are failing to meet today’s needs.  Courts are overcrowded, disputants are angry, litigation costs are skyrocketing, relationships are […]

Pre-Litigation vs. Post Litigation Mediation?

Can a case go to mediation if the matter is not in suit?  Absolutely.  However there are some guidelines and limitations that must be first considered by both parties and their clients. Particularly in personal injury cases if there is insurance coverage, an insurance adjuster may consider mediating a case in the early stages after […]